Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Monday, December 21, 2009
Branches Bare
Today is the Winter Solstice - the first day of winter and the shortest day of the year (at least in the Northern Hemisphere.) It all has to do with the fact that the "top" half of Earth is tilted away from the sun at its most extreme angle. Trees are baring and plants are going dormant... all part of the cycle.
See more Small Works
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Limestone Ledges
Today I met up with my buddy, Randi Knight, to take a little painting break from the "holidays". I think that word is supposed to be synonymous with rest and vacation, but at this time of year it feels more like the opposite! It was so nice to slow down, listen to the lake lapping, and take a deep breath!
We painted at Hippie Hollow on Lake Travis, which is a beach park known for nude sunbathing. Being that the temperature was in the 50's, we figured no one would be out, at least not in THAT respect. Hmmm, not the case, as it turns out... there were several brave, bare souls. I know I have said this before but... it's always an adventure!
Monday, December 14, 2009
Winter Roadside
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Friday, December 11, 2009
Farm Day
Monday, December 7, 2009
Hidden Farm Shed
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Honorable Mention - Woo Hoo!
Please pardon my re-posting of this painting, but I had to share my excitement about winning an Honorable Mention ribbon at the Outdoor Painters Society's Plein Air Southwest 2009 show in Dallas! Hearing my own name announced was a thrilling moment and I am still pinching myself! Thanks to all of you for your kind words and good wishes!
Happy me!
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Dallas Show - Plein Air Southwest 2009
If you live in the Dallas/Fort Worth area, please come to one of the opening receptions this weekend for Plein Air Southwest 2009, the Outdoor Painters Society's annual juried show. It's at the Southwest Gallery in Dallas and includes an amazing group of paintings by some fabulous artists. I am very pleased to be a part of it all and hope to see some of you there!
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Demo - Conscience Point
I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving with your loved ones! Ours was great but it sure went fast!!! And isn't it amazing how holidays can interrupt our routines?? Before I get back to my regular posting, I would like to share this demo that I did for my most recent class. This comes to you by special request of one of my readers who asked me to show a little bit about my process. It also includes a lesson about value planes in the landscape...

Monday, November 23, 2009
Blazing Canyon

Saturday, November 21, 2009
Silent Partners
Today was one of those on-the-verge-of-raining, cold, damp days. My painting group was scheduled to meet and paint at a beautiful church, but no one else was crazy enough to come out. Go figure. :) Since I was there and had all my stuff, I decided to stay. Plus, I spotted some fall color and couldn't resist. It never did rain, and I had a deliciously quiet and peaceful morning!
See more Small Works
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Golden Splendor

Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Fall Reflections

I love everthing about autumn - the cool crisp air, the changing colors and the emerging bare branches - there is a wonderful coziness about it all. This is Ladybird Lake just below the dam. The color around the lake is spectacular right now.
See more Small Works
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Sky Dazzle
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Lake Road

Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Autumn Glory
Today was an unbelievably gorgeous day - clear, blue sky and fall color on display everywhere. I was fortunate to pull off a spontaneous painting day with my painting buddy, Julie Davis (she claims I highjacked her day, but what better excuse for playing hooky?) ;) The trees have been turning at this oft-driven-by-location for the last week or so, but you never know how long it will last. One big wind and it will all be gone... I'm happy we got down there!
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Lake Travis at Sunset
Last Thursday night Plein Air Austin gathered at the home of Lynn Cohagan to paint the sunset over Lake Travis. We all had to paint fast and furiously as the sun slipped down on the horizon; and believe me, it moves really fast. It was a beautiful evening and when the light was gone we ordered up some pizza. How great is that???
See more Small Works
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Moving On

Thursday, October 29, 2009
The Place in Between
We've had some great cloudy skies that have actually ushered in some rain for our dry ground! I loved the way the light beamed between these clouds and backlit the row of trees.
See more Small Works
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
The opening reception for my show was a wonderfully fun night!! Lots of great friends came, a few pieces sold and I'm not going to lie - I had such a great time! :) If you are in Austin, the show will be up through Thanksgiving weekend! Thanks to all!
See more Small Works
Friday, October 23, 2009
Blue Skies (smilin' at me)
Monday, October 19, 2009
Delivery Day!!!

Thursday, October 15, 2009
Morning Harvest
This is an enlargement of my last post - a scene from one of our local organic farms. One thing I loved about this scene was the haze in the distance fields juxtaposed to the lit foreground. I tried to push that relationship a little bit in this larger version.
Side-note: A sweet surprise came my way yesterday - I was the featured artist on Eric Cator's "PaintBlog" site! Please go there and take a look. Eric presents a different artist each day and his blog is a great place to see a variety of wonderful work. Thank you, Eric!!!
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Johnson's Backyard Garden
This month one of our brilliant Plein Air Austin members, Kate Merriman, came up with the idea of painting local farms. She researched and connected with a number of small, organic farmers who were most happy to have us come visit. (Thank you, Kate!) Unfortunately, on the day we scheduled this farm, it rained. Not to be deterred, two of us actually stayed and painted from our cars. Mind you, I have a tailgate to seek shelter under, but my unwavering (equally crazy?) friend, Stephen Parker, literally used his steering wheel as an easel! Always an adventure!
Thursday, October 8, 2009
American Women Artists 2009 National Show

Monday, October 5, 2009
Rocky Outcropping

Monday, September 28, 2009
Ocean Dunes - Enlargement
This is my last studio piece painted from my Long Island plein air studies... for now anyway. Being there this summer pushed me in some different (and sometimes scary) ways... all you creatives out there know what I mean. Sometimes art and fear go hand in hand. And fear can be good if it's the kind that makes you take a risk and try something new.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Morning Vapors - Enlargement

Thursday, September 24, 2009
Dissolving to Mist - Enlargement
This foggy peninsula, coming and going from sight in the mist, reminded me of the Brigadoon legend. Remember the old musical classic about the village in Scotland that would wake up for just one day every hundred years? At the end of the day, they would all disappear into the mist for another century. (The enchantment kept Brigadoon from being changed by a progressing world.) Okay, this homestead does have electricity and probably even wireless internet access... but still. We can pretend.
Painted from plein air study done on Long Island - Mecox Bay.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Silent Fog - Enlargement
So you thought I was done with all that fog? Nope! After doing the small color studies, I returned to my plein air pieces and painted them onto larger canvases. This revisiting process allowed me to solidify in my mind how I got there and to understand it better. I also just really fell in love with the soft subtle gradations in value and couldn't leave them alone. :)
I am a little behind in posting, so this one and the next three are from a couple weeks ago. I have a show coming up on October 24 here in Austin at the Davis Gallery, so I have been busy trying to get all of that together... well, and travelling to the workshop... must slow down...
Monday, September 21, 2009
Tree & Sky Studies

Sunday, September 20, 2009
Rocks & Ridges
I painted these two studies in a daylong workshop with Skip Whitcomb at Weekend with the Masters in CO. He did a fabulous demo for us in which he also shared bits of his outlook and philosophy. One of the participants got it right when she dubbed him a "cowboy poet".
Skip's focus was to get us to really "see" and celebrate the large abstract patterns in nature. He encouraged us to step back and observe the dramatic shapes created by light and shadow crossing the forms in the land. His sketchbook is full of expressive thumbnail drawings that simplify everything into shapes and values. The above studies were my response to his challenge. (I confess, there was a third one that didn't make the cut!) :)
Friday, September 18, 2009
Mountain Road Studies

Mountain Road Study 1, 12 x 9
When I last posted, I was in Colorado Springs at the Weekend with the Masters Workshop. I am home now, and finally got some pictures taken...
I had a half-day workshop with Kevin Macpherson (not enough time with such a master but oh, so instructive). He gave us an assignment to paint the landscape using only three colors - Cadmium Orange, Diazonine Purple and Thalo Green (plus white). We were to mix these colors to find the best representative hues and values for our subjects. Removing the obvious colors from our palettes forced us to "see" the relative values and to be creative with assigning color to shapes.
We were also invited to try a second one - this time using only yellow ochre, burnt sienna and black (plus white). Same idea, remove color dependence and just see everything as value tones. It was hard and really stretching!
using Yellow Ochre, Burnt Sienna and Black
A huge highlight of the week was meeting up with blogging friend, Pam Holnback and having a fabulous grand finale dinner in her home! Isn't that the greatest? I love it when the world gets smaller. Thanks again, Pam!
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Foggy Treetops

Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Foggy Dunes

Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Foggy Field