Friday, April 30, 2010
Another gorgeous spot in the Texas countryside... I love fencelines in fields...
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Thursday, April 29, 2010
Hill Country Meadow

Hill Country Meadow, 5 x 7, L. Daniel, SOLD
. of our many beautiful spring-touched meadows just beginning to burst with wildflowers...
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Personal update: In the morning, I am heading out on a great adventure to paint on the Georgia coast for 5 weeks! (Details to come). My husband and I are taking a little road trip to get there and stopping in New Orleans on the way. While we are on the road, I'll be posting some recently finished work. As soon as I get organized and painting in GA, I will post from there... I am so excited!!!
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Golden Banks

Golden Banks, 9 x 12, L. Daniel
One of my favorite things about the Hunt area of Texas is the wonderful spots in the road that cross over and next to the Guadalupe River. This crook in the river caught my eye every time we passed it and I became slightly obsessed with getting there to paint. We determined that morning would be the best time, and went back in earnest on our last day. It was kind of a grand finale for our painting trip.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Watching the River Flow
This is another one from our trip to Hunt, Texas outside Kerrville. The Guadalupe River runs through this whole area, sometimes wider, sometimes narrower. I like how the trees along the bank seem to be cheering it along on it's journey. This view belongs to my good pal Julie, who generously shared it with all of us! (Thanks J!)
Monday, April 26, 2010
Stable Before Dusk

Stable Before Dusk, 12 x 12, L. Daniel
This weekend we had our annual Plein Air Austin painting trip. Organized by the fabulous Julie Davis, 23 of our members traveled to the Hill Country to paint for 3 days. There was no shortage of incredible views; and paint, we did! Late Friday afternoon, four of us pulled off the road at this horse stable to catch that end-of-day light. Although the horses never came back while we were there, we could hear them "neighing" the whole time. :)
On a side note, today I met a blogosphere painter friend in real life! Tracey Mardon from Edmonton, Canada came to town and we had a wonderful lunch together. Tracey and I have been blog friends for awhile now and it was so fun to finally meet! It was like meeting a pen pal! Thanks for coming to Austin, Tracey!!!
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Goat Shed
Last Thursday, Plein Air Austin had another drizzly paintout day; I had to set up my easel in the back of my car to keep the canvas dry. We painted at a wonderful ranch and it was well worth the trouble. Our wonderful host, Pat Haberman, drove us all around and promised to have us back when the sun is out. (I don't forget a promise like that!) Thank you Pat! :) This little shed used to be the home and shelter of a goat herd. I would have loved to see their little faces peeking out through the rain...
The following day, Plein Air Austin left for a weekend painting trip in the Hill Country. It's just that time of year. More on that tomorrow!
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Distant Showers (enlarged)

Distant Showers (enlarged), 18 x 18, L. Daniel
What is it about rain in the distance that is so captivating? I think it's that we can actually SEE the clouds bursting and the water pouring out. It's thrilling and it carries a certain sense of urgency (must close windows... must batten down the hatches.) It's just so big and powerful.
This is the third painting in my big sky series from West Texas...
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Distant Showers (study)

Distant Showers (study), 6 x 6, L. Daniel, SOLD
I painted this small study as a preparation for my third "big sky" painting. This is a series I am working on that began with a painting trip I took to the Davis Mountains in West Texas. I was very inspired by the unlimited largeness of the sky and had to respond (one thing leads to another and there you go, a series is born.) Tomorrow I will post the larger painting of this scene.
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Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Blankets of Color

Blankets of Color, 12 x 16, L. Daniel
Today was one of those perfect spring days that is irresistible to a plein air painter. It was warm (but not hot), sunny and bright. After about a week of overcast drizzle, it was a welcomed change. I have been eying this field of riotous color for awhile, waiting for just such a day... total joy!
Monday, April 19, 2010
Shaded Ranch Gate

Shaded Ranch Gate, 6 x 6, L. Daniel, SOLD
Two gigantic trees form an archway over the entrance gates to Michaelis Ranch, a cattle ranch outside of Austin. When I drove under them, I definitely knew I was THERE. No mistaking that.
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Sunday, April 18, 2010
Misty Spring Morning

Misty Spring Morning, 6 x 8, L. Daniel, SOLD
This Thursday, I met up with painting friends at a ranch about an hour out of town. It was a misty, moisty morning that continually threatened larger storms a'comin'... makes a girl paint fast and furious! I managed to get a small study finished before the mist turned to rain, and was so glad I didn't stay home.
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Blogging painter friends: Daily Painters Gallery is having a contest to find our next new member. Check out the site for information:
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Roadside Color

Roadside Color, 8 x 6, L. Daniel, SOLD
Springtime in Texas is absolutely beautiful. The hillsides bloom out with wildflowers and there is glorious color everywhere. This year the flowers are extra abundant because of all the rain we had this winter. It's a feast for the eyes!
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Monday, April 12, 2010
Drama Unfolds (enlarged)
This larger version of Drama Unfolds was satisfying to paint because I had more room to explore the color and edges. I loved the way the light came through the bending tree branches as the day was ending; the strong contrasts and fringey glow were irresistible.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Drama Unfolds
These silhouetted trees against the wildly marbled sky were so dramatic, the scene stopped me in my tracks. Inspired by my trip to the Davis Mountains in February, I made this study and several others immediately upon return in preparation for a series of larger pieces. This is the second in that series, and I will post the larger version of this study tomorrow.
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Salon International Show Pictures & Update:
I spent the weekend participating in all the events that went with the Salon International Show at the Greenhouse Gallery in San Antonio. It started with an awards banquet on Friday night, continued with individual critiques with the show's judge Everett Raymond Kinsler, a great marketing lecture by Eric Rhoads - Publisher of Fine Art Connoisseur Magazine, and ended with a big reception on Saturday night. It was a very inspiring time!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Two Juried Exhibits!!
6496 New Braunfels Ave., San Antonio, TX
April 10-30, opens 4/10
I am so pleased to share that I have won admittance into two fabulous juried shows that open this weekend!! One is in San Antonio and one is in Dallas. I am pinching myself and looking forward to the festivities!!! Since the events are at exactly the same time, I had to choose and will be attending the Salon International opening in San Antonio. If you live in either of these places or happen to be in town during the month, please stop by!! They will both be incredible shows.
4500 Sigma Road, Dallas, TX
April 10-30, opens 4/9
This exhibit showcases all plein air work by 200 different artists.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Afternoon Nap

Afternoon Nap, 6 x 8, SOLD
This is another one from last week at the Michaelis Ranch... While I was painting out in this pasture, the cattle stayed on the far edges napping in the shade. But at one point the owner arrived and called to them, and they all came! They knew her voice!! It was pretty amazing.
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michaelis ranch,
plein air,
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Homestead Remnants

Homestead Remnants, 12 x 12
On Thursday, our painting group met at Michaelis Ranch in the hill country outside of Austin, where the Michaelis family has been breeding cattle since the late 1800's. It's a beautiful, rustic place and selecting what to paint was hard - there were just too many great choices! I settled on what remains of the original homestead... an old crumbling garage on the edge of a pasture. Many thanks to Sharon Michaelis and her generous hospitality!
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