Golden Eve, 24 x 48 diptych (24 x 24 each)
After doing the small study for this, I decided to stick with my original instincts for color and overall treatment. The yellows and oranges convey that warm, end of day glow; and I love the cool, silhouetted shapes and creeping shadows that present themselves just as the light is dimming. That light and those shapes are what I was after in this painting.
Side note:
"Why the diptych?" someone asked me after I posted the small one. I really do enjoy working in this format and look for opportunities to use it. For me, the fragmented nature of diptychs (or triptychs) builds in a subtle sense of stopping and re-starting; and a continuation to something beyond. The idea that the viewer can wander beyond the boundaries of the canvas and "fill in" some of the blanks gives me a great sense of collaboration. Plus, I just really like squares.
you've done justice to nature in this one Laurel, serene and touching. r.
Laurel love the colors in your work! I love St.Simon's Island as well!
Laurel, this is smashing. It has a distinct quiet mood about it; you have excellent instincts. I loved to hear your thoughts about the diptych, too.
This is my first visit to your blog and I love your work!
Laurel your sense of color and composition are wonderful. You can can lost in your landscapes.
It DOES work so well!! I'm going to have to go back now and see how big the first one was.... You can't see the scale in these blogs.
Thanks for answering my question!! Very interesting and thoughtful answer!! hmmmmmm
I just love it, the colors, compostion, all of it! It's really beautiful!! keep going..
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Your instincts served you well. It perfectly conveys the time of day and the atmosphere. Slam dunk.
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