Thursday, April 30, 2009
Poppies, Poppies...
Poppies really are seductive - they kind of captivate the unwitting passersby. These red ones at the botanical garden today reminded of that scene from the Wizard of Oz where Dorothy Gale is lulled into a deep sleep in a poppy field. In my head I kept hearing that cackle, "I'll get you, my pretty!" That used to scare me so much! :)
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Grapetown Barn

Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Rolling Hills
The Texas Hill Country has many ranch roads that are very inviting. However, conventional wisdom is that a cattle guard in the road is the same as a gate; and crossing over it is equal to tresspassing. It is private property after all. These rolling hills were just beyond one of those cattle guards. I resisted the urge to go any further... though it was tempting!
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Monday, April 27, 2009
Quiet Rest
Down a country road in the little town of Hye, Texas, I found these cows resting in the shade. Of course, as soon as I started painting they got up and ambled off into the pasture! Not the best model behavior - luckily I had some sketches to fall back on!
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Blue Barn

Blue Barn, 12 x 12
I spent this weekend running back and forth between a paintout with the Outdoor Painting Society in Fredericksburg and my home, where my husband is recovering from shoulder surgery. (He is doing great and on the mend, by the way!) I spotted this abandoned tin barn from the road and made a quick U-turn to go back and paint it. The menacing sky... the rusty old structure... the warm flood of light... it was too good to pass up!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Upper Falls
We are having a bit of a drought here in Texas so the falls at McKinney Falls State Park are pretty small right now. At the upper falls, this little tributary spills into that wonderful swimming hole I was talking. I would like to see this place when the water is raging. It will happen - it will eventually rain here... a lot. And then we have flooding.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Come to the Water
April is the best month for plein air painting in Texas because of all the glorious spring color and the relatively cooler temperatures. However, today it heated up into the 90's! I spent the day painting at McKinney Falls State Park just outside of Austin, and was so thankful for a bit of shade to take shelter in. This natural swimming hole is formed by Onion Creek pouring over wide limestone ledges. It's a pretty cool place. I'll post my painting of the falls tomorrow.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Morning Lantana
A week or so ago, my class painted in a park by Lake Austin where wild pink lantana was in full bloom. I didn't paint that day, but I stared at this view on and off for a couple of hours, breaking down the elements in my mind. I am hoping to go back while the pink is still there, but used a photo reference in my studio for this small piece.
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Friday, April 17, 2009
Sea of Wildflowers
At this time of year, even some parking lots in Texas shimmer with the color of wildflowers. This was a gully next to the beautiful parking area of Lady Bird's commemorative wildflower center. Of course, it's filled with color and texture! I did delete a few cars from the upper ridge but that is what editing is all about! :)
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Thursday, April 16, 2009
Follow the Eastern Path
I had great plans for posting every day this week and then my days got hijacked. The unexpected happens and suddenly, it's already Thursday! But enough about that, here we are back at the Wildflower Center. On the Eastern side, the trails lead through a flatter, lower terrain. And you guessed it, wildflowers abound! Happy spring!
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Monday, April 13, 2009
Western Ridge
I spent this morning painting at the Ladybird Johnson Wildflower which today was full of people. It's bluebonnet time and lots of kids were out of school. In addition to formal garden spaces, many trails lead out into the surrounding acres. I found this quiet spot at the beginning of one of those trails.
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Thursday, April 9, 2009
Honeymoon Cactus
I don't know the real name of this plant, but one of my painting buddies dubbed it the "Honeymoon Cactus." On their honeymoon, her then-new husband carefully broke an ear off a plant like this and took it home as a momento. They stuck it in the ground and it became a huge plant. Though the young honeymooners have moved several times since that first planting, each time they took an ear of the cactus with them, and started another plant at their new home. I love that!
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Loquat Clusters Trio
Here is the Loquat Trio... in the last two the fruits are more ripe and deeper in color. I kind of like seeing them altogether. They make a happy little group!
...And now the birds can come on in for dinner; I think I am done.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Loquat Cluster 2
Monday, April 6, 2009
Mountain Adventure
This painting is one of two on display in the Nomadas Del Arte plein air show at the Southwest Gallery in Dallas (I included the other one in my last blogpost). The opening this weekend was great fun - especially meeting all the other fabulous artists who participated. This piece sold on Friday night, so I went home recharged, with a big smile on my face!
Thursday, April 2, 2009
91 Degrees and Some Clouds
This weekend I am participating in Nomadas del Arte, a juried plein air show at the Southwest Gallery in Dallas. This painting from last summer is one of two pieces I have in the show. The opening is both tomorrow night and Saturday afternoon; and the show will be up all of April. If anyone is in Dallas, please stop by the gallery!!!
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Field of Blue
You may know that Texas is known for it's Bluebonnets, a wonderful tradition started by Ladybird Johnson. Every spring we wonder if we've had enough rain (or maybe too much?) until we begin to see them lining the highways. We are always adding more because even though they are everywhere, it's never enough. Then come the Indian Paintbrushes and Winecups... it's wildflower heaven.
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