Blossoming Spring, 6 x 8, SOLD
For friends and family who live in colder regions - New York, Michigan, Canada (and others) - I would like to offer a little hope about the reliability of spring. We are getting it here and I know it's coming your way too, so hold tight. Bare trees are setting buds and the flowering trees are blooming out. Wherever home is, I think we are all "ready" when spring arrives. There is something so comforting about life returning to the earth...
Thanks for all the get well wishes! I am feeling much better. (Tamiflu works wonders but I am still laying low... I got this painting in on Thursday morning before the onslaught.)
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Hi Laurel,
Thanks for the encouragement. I saw Robins today, a red wing blackbird and snow drops -- the first flowers. So spring is coming. Slowly.
I love the light in this, and the elegant use of colour.
Wow! I cannot wait.
This is fantastic Luarel, wish I was there to see the trees.
Laurel, This is a lovely painting, full of hope. We saw a robin yesterday, but we have non stop rain too. Seeing your painting tells me spring will come for sure. Jeanne
Yes, we're seeing robins in the Chicago area too. But nothing green yet. I'm looking forward to seeing some blossoms like yours. Thanks.
Beautiful, Laurel! Thanks for the reminder, we are almost there! Just a few more days, and it will really be spring!
Your thumbnails are mesmerizing. Like so many others, this one grabbed me. Such a gentle spring abstract.
I'm looking forward to your recovery; bet you are, too. Feel better sooner!
Simply Lovely. The peach trees are blooming in my yard. I love watching the bees buzz from bloom to blom.
Hi Laurel--I hope you are feeling better each day. This painting is so nice and airy--love it! Particularly the undersides of the trees. Beautiful color choices as usual!!! Happy Spring!
I holding tight....waiting!
I love the delicacy and softness of this one...those trees say nothing if not SPRING!
Love this Laurel!
Hi Laurel, That's the person you are, encouraging us about spring coming when you're suffering with the flu! Beautiful tree!
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