Swimming Hole at Bull Creek, 12 x 12
Dutch Mountain Enchantment, 12 x 16

Shinnecock Bay Wetlands, 12 x 16
Above is a sampling of the plein air work I have been doing over the last 9 months. I am still trying to get into some sort of blogging rhythm that synchronizes the painting, photographing, uploading, cropping, and posting routine. I had this idea that I would post them as I paint them... doing it this way is a little like drinking from a fire hose. :)
Laurel, just found your blog through Bill's which I also just found. Though I have no idea what "Plein Air" means, I love your Big Bend pieces. And the picture of you painting in that big sombrero hat is the picture of a woman in her element. Well done.
Have I told you how much I love your work? Its gorgeous. Do please keep sharing it with us.
Hi Laurel: I just found Bill's blog by chance and then yours. I love the paintings you share to us! They're "powerful"!
You blogger you! I am so proud. We've, or I should say I, have been thinking about going this route as well. I think it is a great decision and hope it works out for you! You should check out the magazine "Artful Blogging" from Somerset Studios! Love the new paintings. I especially love one of them...hmmmm-mmmm...I can't remember the title! It is one that has some trees that kind of look like the shape of cypress. I do love the shape of the old cypress trees in SF around the Legion of Honor and Lake Merced. Anyways, congratulations! Love it!
Erin (sister, for those of you who don't know)
you are a simply FANTASTIC painter. thanks for posting your current work, and looking forward to your solo show on June 7. keep on bloggin'!!
Found you via Rene's blog. Scrolled down to this point. Really good work, keep it up.
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