
Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Across the Bay

Across the Bay, 12 x 9

Lake Granbury is a dammed up river that runs through the town of Granbury, Texas... it seems like every time you make a turn you are crossing over it again. These long reflections at the end of the day were too gorgeous to pass up.


  1. Wonderful relections! I can feel the heat rising up.

  2. Laurel, You have such a wonderful atmospheric quality about your paintings. This is just lovely, very serene.

  3. This is a beautiful painting. Composition, color, overall feel of the day...great.

  4. Your work is stunning and this is no exception! I get more than a look at the scene, I really get the "feel" of it.

  5. You're right... You'd just have to stop right there!!
    Gosh that's nice!!!

  6. Hi Laurel,

    This is just idyllic. I'd love to walk into this painting. You are
    sooooo good. Amazing!


  7. Laurel, thanks for your fine comments on my blog. When I "follow" a bog, I get a "reading list" on my dashboard. The entries from the blogs I follow show up automatically each time they have a new post. Or at least, that is what should happen. As I stated, I don't get all the new posts. Yours is one that I get reagularly.

  8. Gosh, these last four paintings are wonderful.
    Colors are just beautiful along with the
    compositions and value patterns. Nice work!

    Thanks for stopping by and taking a look at the
    rooster. I love Kauai.

  9. you are really having fun, creating much beauty in your wake!

  10. Gorgeous indeed. I can really sense the quality of light you experienced that day.
