
Thursday, December 1, 2016

WOO HOO! 5 years of Remission and Woodland Trail Revisited

Woodland Trail Revisited, 24 x 54, oil on canvas, L. Daniel © 2016

Dear Friends... Today is the 5 year anniversary of my breast cancer lumpectomy, on December 1, 2011! Can I get an AMEN?? (By the time you get this it will be the Dec 2, but such is the timing of the cyber world.) And what a wonderful 5 years it has been... our two beloved children married the loves of their lives, two beautiful grand boys joined our family, and life is as full as ever! 

I chose to share this painting today, because it ties-in to my 5 year journey in a special way. I painted the first version right after the BIG ORDEAL, when I thought I was really fine, as in, "back to normal". But the painting was really dark (and a little scary in my opinion). I am not a dark person, so maybe I wasn't quite okay yet. :) It stayed hidden in the coffers for the last five years, until this summer, when I "revisited" it. I was finally ready to paint-in the joy and hope that I actually feel. The changes may be subtle, but to me, they are night and day. One friend said, "keep it, to document that time." But I am all about redeeming those dark places, and the process was very therapeutic for me! 

It brought me great joy when a sweet, young couple bought the "new" painting from my solo show at the Lady Bird Wildflower Center this fall. It will be in the background of their lives, as they raise their family and do life together. It just feels right... :) Here's to pushing through, fighting the good fight and emerging healthy and happy on the other side! Thank you, God!

Woodland Trails, the first version... 


  1. So happy for you and your expanding family, Laurel.
    Hugs and Love.

  2. Amen! Having seen this painting in person I can say that the photo doesn't do it justice.
    I thought it was stunning and I spent a long time looking at it. It thought the subtle
    Colors were just beautiful and the brushwork was outstanding. It's a little larger than
    You would go plein air and maybe it gave you the room to be loose but it way it
    Was handled embodied such a feeling of freedom! I'm so glad to hear your story
    Behind the scene(s).

  3. I am so happy for you Laurel!
    What a lovely painting, and I'm so glad
    you sold it. Sending your hugs and
    joyous New Year light. Happy New Year!

    XOXOXOXOXO Barbara

  4. Nice art blog and very wonderful paintings !!!
    Happy New Year 2017 !!!

  5. AMEN! I am happy for you that you feel well again, and what a great idea to revisit the painting with joy. great job.

  6. Congratulations, Mary, on your anniversary date! May you continue on in good health.
