
Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Super Moon Monday and painting in the dark...

Super Moon Monday, 9 x 12, oil on panel, L. Daniel © 2016

Last night few of us from Plein Air Austin met up in Zilker Park to paint the super moon. We had so much fun, and watching that moon come up was exhilarating! As for painting it, this was my first "moonrise" ever and the light changed fast (and many times)! In the matter of an hour we watched daylight turn to sunset, and pitch dark turn to moon rise. 

Blocking in the scene was a giant guessing game, anticipating where the moon would rise, how big it would be, how dark the sky would be, and how light the buildings would be. But my biggest challenge was that I didn't bring a clip-on light for my easel. DUH! I'm not sure why I didn't think of it. I resorted to using the flashlight on my cell phone, and skootching in close to my friend's easel and light. Lesson learned! A brand new clip on light is already ordered and on it's way to me!

It was a race to the finish and a great adventure! Many thanks to my painting buddies Tricia, Lynn and Jane... we have already committed to meeting up (same place and time) for the next super moon in 2034!! ;)


  1. That must have been so much fun! I got up several times a night to photograph the moon!

  2. you must hold that to no greater than three times in line with week. this could give your muscle groups time to get better and adapt to the strain. My promise to you is in case you carve out a while to exercise each day, you will appearance higher, experience better, be a higher determine, and a better partner. Your body and brain need to transport, so get shifting nowadays.For more ==== >>>>>>
