
Sunday, October 14, 2012

Morning on the River - Kerrville Outdoor Painting Event

Morning on the River, 12 x 9, oil on panel, L. Daniel © 2012 - SOLD

Fall color is beginning to emerge! This is another spot on the Guadalupe River in Hunt, Texas. The early morning water was so still and reflective, it was almost like glass. After about an hour of painting though, a breeze came up through the canyon and killed the reflections. Luckily, I had gotten lots of the color information in place early on, so I was able to stick with my original inspiration... that golden mirror image.


  1. All of these wonderful paintings from Kerrville have been so soft and inviting that they make me want to be there painting and enjoying such beautiful surroundings!

  2. This is lovely, Laurel. I can hear the leaves rustling in the background.

  3. Thanks guys... it's a great time of year to be out painting! (hmmm... I say that about every season... I guess I just really love seeing the changes.) :)

  4. Beautiful painting, Laurel! Really enjoyed catching up with your blog and love Beside Still Waters and White Picket Fence! Congrats to your son and family!
