
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Bicycle Alley - Quick Draw Do-over

Bicycle Alley, 8 x 6, oil on panel, L. Daniel © 2012

Plein Air Painting events often have a "Quick Draw" component in which artists gather in a pre-defined perimeter to paint in a timed and judged session. For the 90 minute Quick Draw in Kerrville, I chose this glowing alley as my subject. It seemed simple enough - but no. When the end whistle blew I was not quite finished. I did turn in that piece but when I got home I had to paint it again. I just wanted a little more time! This small piece is my second, home effort. 

Side-note: Kent, the owner of this bike who works in the adjacent building, told me the real scoop. Apparently, back in the day, nurses from the hospital across the street used to come to this alley to smoke. I wanted to call this "Smoking Alley" but I didn't think it would make sense to anyone but Kent and me. :)

Here are some process shots from the Quick Draw taken by Kerrville photographers Bob and Diana Nelson. Thanks Bob and Diana!

photo credit: Diana Nelson

photo credit: Bob Nelson

photo credit: Diana Nelson

photo credit: Diana Nelson


  1. Laurel, this turned out beautifully. You captured that "golden glow" you were after from the beginning, and the bicycle looks great! Love it!

  2. Hi Laurel,

    What lovely colour and light. I love the way you treat the end of the alley
    -- so deliciously abstract.

    I mentioned you in my blog today and
    thought of you frequently on the five
    hour trip home from Windsor.


  3. Laurel, love this! Love the simple back ground , and detail of the te bike!
