
Friday, January 28, 2011

Chapel Dulcinea

Chapel Dulcinea, L. Daniel, 9 x 12

Yesterday our Plein Air Austin painting group met up at Chapel Dulcinea, a free, open-air wedding chapel in the hill country. The chapel is named for the love interest in the story of Don Quixote. Dulcinea is the peasant woman who unknowingly inspires all of Quixote's exploits (the "impossible dream" and "unreachable stars" are all for her). 

The chapel owners must be total romantics. They explain their connection to Cervantes' story this way (from their website):

"Don Quixote sees himself as her knight and champion, 
and Dulcinea as the most perfect woman on earth. 
Every groom is Don Quixote. And every bride, his Dulcinea... 
It is our hope that every visitor to Dulcinea will leave with a 
fresh commitment to see the beauty rather than the flaw, 
and the courage to follow the dream that whispers to the heart."

So inspiring... I love it that a place like this exists.


  1. It´s VERY NICE. I am spanish, and y know the stroy of Dulcinea.

  2. And I love that a piece like yours exists. (Ok, a little corny, but I had to say it!)

  3. Your lovely painting and message...pure romance.

  4. The painting is beautiful and the story wonderful.

  5. Very nice Laurel. I love the architecture of this. The roof color is fabulous too. Looks like it was fun to paint!

  6. A gorgeous painting Laurel, and sweet story. It's important in marriage to see beyond the flaws. Especially our own. Lovely work.


  7. This is SO amazing and serendipitous. My dear friend Connie Moore Johnson got married there today to Ronnie Volkening!!! We just got back from their wedding reception held at the Thurman's Mansion next to the Salt Lick. The fact that you posted this on their actual wedding day is incredible. I will forward this to them. Is it sold???? xoxo
