
Friday, May 14, 2010

Grandfather's Graybeard

Grandfather's Graybeard, 6 x 8, L. Daniel, SOLD
Grandfather's Graybeard, also known as Spanish Moss or Tillandsia, is a "romantic symbol of the south" (I read that on a website). It grows everywhere here but I have been totally scared to attempt painting it. Well... yesterday afternoon I faced my fear and tried it. I am sure I will do more now that I jumped the first hurdle. :)
See more Small Works


  1. Hi Laurel,

    I cannot imagine you being afraid to paint a tree. You are the tree expert in the world. Super job on the grandfather. Just lovely.


  2. You've caught its softness brilliantly. It's lovely!

  3. Wow! I've seen this Spanish Moss and you really got it! i look forward to more!

  4. It looks like the trees that the artist Linda Blondheim paints so beautifully. Very nice painting Laurel.

  5. This is very nice; love the feel of the lacy moss. How true about facing fears. I"m going to confront one of my own this morning. (gulp!)
    No worries, just going to dive in and figure out how to swim. :) Wish me luck!

  6. Hi, Laurel,

    I have been watching your postings on Daily Painters and they are lovely. Congratulations on the Grandfather. I think you have really captured its essence.
    Mary Murphy

  7. You've really got the gist of Spanish moss! Looks great! I love the softness of this painting. I've seen so many trees like this with the moss hanging from its branches. You did a great job. It's lovely!

  8. Oh! I love it! I think you did well. Can't wait to see more!
    Love you!
    Erin :)
