
Friday, May 29, 2009

Morning Stillness

Morning Stillness, 9 x 12

A quiet pool sits above the upper McKinney Falls and trickles into another pool below. As I hiked down there yesterday morning, this scene caught my eye. I loved the way the angled light hit the grasses and bush in the foreground. I don't think I quite got the glow of it in this painting, but it is stuck in my memory! Now I am off to paint for the weekend with Plein Air Austin friends in Granbury, Texas. How great is that?


  1. Laurel, another beautiful painting.
    I love your style, colors and finished feeling.
    I envy your passion for daily painting.
    Keep painting.

  2. Hi Laurel,

    You certainly do have the glow of it. This is a lovely and timeless peace. The perfect summer scene.
    Have a great weekend.


  3. Enjoy yourself, Laurel!!
    I look forward to seeing all that you paint over the weekend.

  4. Laurel,
    You are one of my very favorite Daily Painters - your work always amazes me!! You've really mastered the painterly approach I always strive for, it's so inspiring thank-you:)

  5. Your darks are gorgeous, Laurel.

    Someday I'll just pull the trigger and buy one of your gems!

  6. I find your work is an inspiration to me. Just looking at your paintings motivates me to dust off my pochade box and go out there and paint. I love your blog!
