
Thursday, July 16, 2020

Country Field - Fix It Friday #20... and PleinAir LIVE!

Country Field, 8 x 6, Oil on canvas, L. Daniel © 2020

I posted this "Fix" last year, long before I thought of doing this series of "Fix It Friday" on a weekly basis. Since this has been a *busy week for me, I am posting it again. (I couldn't miss my 20th week in a row of Fix-It Friday!) And I think this painting's changes are worth revisiting...

(*See Out-takes from PleinAir Live at the end!)



Problem - Main tree was too perfectly round and static.
Fix -  Gave the main tree a more interesting shape by cutting back into it with the sky and distant tree line. 

Problem - Distant trees were not receding or separating enough from front tree.
Fix - I cooled down distant row of trees.

Problem - Too much weight on the left side. 
Fix - Added more fencing on the right. The added fence counterbalances that weight and creates a more specific "path" into the scene.

Problem - The highlights did not convey the light of that day.
Fix - Lightened up the highlights on the trees.

Problem - There was no reference to the season.
Fix - Added Bluebonnets. It was Texas in Spring, and I just HAD to!! Bluebonnets were everywhere else and I had plenty of reference. 


This is another case where I had stuck a little too close to reality and lost the feeling! It comes down to this question - what is more important: aesthetic or reality? I say aesthetic. Sometimes it is necessary to adjust reality a bit to accurately portray what we SEE and FEEL about our subject. Permission granted to make changes for the betterment of your painting! 

AND... Below are pictures from my teaching sessions at PleinAir LIVE!

Broadcasting live from the studio of PleinAir Magazine in Austin! 

One presentation included an overview of my process of building a painting and a color mixing demo... 

The other presentation was about overcoming the challenges of painting outside.

Each presentation ended in a Q and A session with Eric Rhodes, publisher of PleinAir Magazine. A HUGE thank you to Eric, the magazine, and to all who signed up!!!


  1. What a difference! Thanks for sharing these changes and tips.

  2. Thank you, Penny! I love me a good makeover! :)

  3. How wonderful. Love your paintings, and your tips.

