
Sunday, March 1, 2020

Austin Country Club Commission... installed and unveiled!

Davenport Clubhouse, 4' x 5', oil on canvas, Laurel Daniel © 2020
Austin Country Club Commission - SOLD

(If you follow me on social media or get my newsletter, you have seen these photos already. Please forgive my repetition, but I feel compelled to share this story here as well, since it represents a big chunk of my time and energy over the last months!) 

Here is a little bit of the story...
I was commissioned last September to do this 4' x 5' painting for the Austin Country Club (ACC), in Austin, TX. So I cleared the decks and worked on it fairly exclusively until the end of the year. Though it was not a secret endeavor, I never feel comfortable sharing much about a commission until it's totally finished and approved. On February 4th, it was installed and unveiled (literally) at a champagne reception in the main lobby of the club. Such fun!

My painting is part of a larger project that highlights and celebrates the club's history. The master plan includes a painting of each of the three clubhouses from which ACC has operated in its 100+ years. Mine depicts the current clubhouse, while the earlier two locations were interpreted by Texas artists Tom Evans and Dan Blagg. There is a fourth painting, a portrait by Carol Ivey, of three of the club's most famous golf members (Harvey Penick, Tom Kite, and Ben Crenshaw.)

It is a huge thrill and honor for me to be a part of this expansive and local project! Many thanks to the ACC board and to all who made this happen! 

A real "unveiling"... my first ever! It was actually a little tricky to get that sheet off without yanking the painting right off the wall. As you can see, I did get some help to prevent that!

The classic grinning-artist-in-front-of-painting-shot (a must have)! ;) 

Left: Hancock Clubhouse by Tom Evans
Middle: Davenport Clubhouse by Laurel Daniel 
Right: Riverside Clubhouse by Dan Blagg
Such a pretty setting, right? I am simply delighted!


  1. What a wonderful piece! Loved seeing the unveiling here on your post.

  2. Nice work!
    They look fabulous hanging together.

  3. What a wonderful honor and your work is fabulous. Congratulations!

  4. You certainly deserve to grin in front of your painting! And it is gorgeous.

    That is a big and beautiful work.


  5. Thank you all!!!!! I am so thrilled!
