
Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Park Trail - Process Notes and Demo

Park Trail, 10 x 8, oil on panel, L. Daniel © 2015
Workshop Demo - SOLD

Two weekends ago, I taught a workshop in Austin and actually remembered to take pictures of each step of one of my demos!! I had to really concentrate because I usually get so caught up in painting and teaching that I forget. My wonderful students helped on that front, and as promised, below are step-by-step process notes of how I built and finished this painting. Enjoy!

Reductive Block In 
I started by covering the canvas with a mix of ultramarine and burnt sienna using a paper towel. Wiping away pigment in light areas and leaving the pigment in dark areas, I established my composition and values.

Mass in the "darks" in Upright Planes 
Working dark to light, I identified and painted only the dark values in the Upright Planes (foreground and distant masses that are vertical.) I also added cast shadows early on, to "ground" the verticals and identify the direction of my light source.

Mass in the "lights" in Upright Planes
I am always comparing values and colors throughout the process of any painting. The foreground upright plane will have more contrast and intense color, while the distant upright plane will have less contrast and muted color.

Mass in the Sky Plane and Ground plane
The Sky Plane is usually the lightest of all the planes because it contains the sun. The ground plane is second lightest because it reflects the light in the sky. 

Break Up Masses and Final Marks
At this final stage, I slowed down make thoughtful changes using subtle value and temperature shifts. I want to make sure that all the planes are reading correctly before rushing to detail. LAST, I added final marks, fun details, and spectral highlights.


  1. So wonderful. I love this. The process is fascinating. I wish you were in Toronto and could come and talk at my creativity seminars at the University of Toronto.


  2. I always like to see the step by step. Great painting!

  3. I love seeing your step by step always so wonderful to see the painting to transform before our eyes. Hugs
