
Thursday, September 4, 2014

Summer's End and Two New Grand-babies!

Summer's End, 6 x 8, oil on panel, L. Daniel © 2014

On Labor Day morning, I was out painting the marsh on St. Simons Island; enjoying the last colors of the season and feeling an awesome sense of gratitude. This summer brought me two beautiful, baby grandsons. One in Hawaii and one in New York! That's right, two babies in 29 days, on opposite sides of the country. Grand-boys. Little cousins. Such love.

As my husband so perfectly noted, "this is truly one of the biggest highlights in life!" He is so right. It doesn't get much better! And here they are… Will and Charlie with their parents… we love them all!

William Joseph Bullen IV 
"Will" with Emily and Joey in Hawaii - born July 27.

Charles Rawson Daniel 
"Charlie" with Rawson and Lynda in New York - born August 25.

PS - Is that a little bird family in the painting above? Why, I believe it is! :)


  1. Love the painting, and your new grandbabies. Beautiful boys -- with royal names -- Charlie and Will.

    XOXOXOXOXO Barbara

  2. What joy Laurel! I'm so excited for you. Also, just saw your paintings ting in PleinAir for the upcoming Women Artists of America show.
    Xo Tracey

  3. Your painting is breathtaking, Laurel, and I love the painting you recently posted (Water's edge). The colors and atmospheric effects are gorgeous. And about your adorable grandsons, congratulations to all! What a joyous time!!!

  4. happy, happy, love, love, love!!
    It doesn't get better does it?
    Hugs to you!
    Yes, sweet bird family in the lovely painting!

  5. Thanks so much, all of you! We love our our little grand-boys!

  6. You are too funny "little bird family" :)
    Congrats to all of you and how wonderful they are so close in age! Hope to see you sometime.

  7. Wow, 2 in one month! Now you'll be busy traveling. Nice to catch up and see all your wonderful paintings.

  8. Love that painting!! And Just now seeing these very special. Congratulations and welcome to grammie-ville! Your grandsons are beautiful!!!
