
Thursday, July 24, 2014

Drifting Cloud Study

Drifting Cloud Study, 8 x 6, oil on panel, L. Daniel © 2014

I painted this little piece back in early June, but have been holding on to it for reference purposes. This was one of those end of day surprises… when, even though I was packed up and headed home from a long day of painting, I was compelled to stop and do just one more. There was just something about the light, and the lavender reflections in the marsh, and the great big sky that just had my name on it. 

See more Small Works


  1. I see it! I see "LAUREL _ Brave Girl Painter" right across the clouds! You must always listen to that voice that compels. xo

  2. Beautiful! You totally captured the mood and lighting. You certainly know how to follow your bliss! XOXO

  3. Laurel,

    I love the image of you all packed up and ready to go and then having to get this down. You are wonderful and the painting is lovely.

    XOXOXOXOXO Barbara
