
Thursday, May 9, 2013

Lakside Cafe

Lakeside Cafe, 12 x 16, oil on panel, L. Daniel © 2013

Today was plein air day for our local painting group. We met up at Ski Shores Cafe, a local burger joint on the lake. This place has been around f-o-r-e-v-e-r and is a favorite with Austinites. I  have to admit that I had a huge struggle settling in with this painting. My first attempt was a total wipe-down and this second one was a mess when I finally packed it in. However, I hate to let a canvas get the best of me so I brought it home and wrestled it to the ground. Sometimes you just have to keep at it. Even if.

Austin friends - this is on the back side of Ski Shores by the playground. ;)


  1. So Austin! Wonderful job. Thanks for sharing your struggles along with your successes. Helps us push through as well. xoxo

  2. You won Laurel. I agree it's hard to imagine you having a rough time with a painting. You are such a star.

