
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Garden Gazebo

Garden Gazebo, 16 x 12, oil on panel, L. Daniel © 2013

We have had some deliciously warm days here and the botanical garden has been a great place to enjoy them. As I was painting this scene, a little family came by with their grandma who was visiting from Chicago. As her sweet granddaughters led the way through the park, grandma was just so happy to be outside, taking in the warmth and sun before heading back to the northern climes. Summer in January... it's hard not to love. 


  1. Wonderful painting! I am with Grandma... only no summer for me.... I have been cowering in the cold with a cold for a month. I really appreciate your view of another world, a warm one.

  2. Gorgeous! I know this place. Love the light on the path, the rich foreground and distant trees. So lovely.

  3. Beautiful light, atmosphere and composition. What else is there? Love it.

  4. So pretty. I love to paint the arboretum here, and it has a similar whimsical little building, with a turquoise roof. It's so picturesque, but I happen to know it's the restroom! I have painted it (and sold the painting) but I tend to keep that detail to myself :-) Wondering what your little building is...

  5. Whoops - would like to edit my comment, when I realized you tagged it "gazebo." Unlikely to be a restroom!

  6. Love those ephemeral trees in the background!

  7. Hard not to love this painting too.
    Wow. It would be nice to walk through this with you.

