
Sunday, November 18, 2012

Garden Fiesta

Garden Fiesta, 8 x 6, oil on panel, L. Daniel © 2012

Often when I am teaching a class, I study the subject so carefully from all my students' viewpoints that I have no choice but to paint it myself when I get home. This piece (and the next one I will post) is one of those. After advising all morning about color solutions, editing and simplifying, and capturing the light and shadows; the scene was completely in my mind's eye. Back in the studio, I was able to paint what I remembered (with the help of photo references of course... my memory is not that good!) All the visual observations from the morning came flooding back the minute I picked up the brush. It reminded me how important it is to really LOOK and notice everything! 

See more Small Works


  1. Nice little one Laurel. You are right about the "looking." It's like the carpenter's saying: "Measure twice, cut once." We need to look twice, paint once.

  2. So beautiful. It must be wonderful to be there in person. I like the contrast between the hot foreground and cool background. Superb painting.

