
Friday, June 22, 2012

River Dock

River Dock, 8 x 16, oil on panel, L. Daniel © 2012

It might make sense to reiterate that I just returned from a long painting trip to St. Simons Island on the coast of Georgia. (A few people have asked, "now where are you again?") I was unable to keep photographing and posting while there, but I am now home and finally able to share it all with you. Though I hated falling behind, it's fun for me to revisit these painting moments as I write. 

This is old dock sits on the river that separates the barrier island of St. Simons from the mainland. I loved the slanted shadows from the morning light, and the simple silhouetted shapes that cast them. I was painting and just contemplating the sheer poetry of it all... when suddenly a bird in the branches above me deposited a little gift onto my palette. Hmmmm... it's always something. :)


  1. BEautiful subject, painted well! And I love the story about the bird.... ahhh, it happens, right?

  2. Luckily you have the gift that matters Laurel, this is magnificent.


  3. Lovely painting. I like the muted skies with a touch of yellow in the clouds. And your greens are a lesson in themselves--the grayed greens in the distance, the lighter greens of the middle tree as the sun come through it. Love the shadows, too.
