
Saturday, November 12, 2011

Dry Creek Bed

Dry Creek Bed, L. Daniel, 12 x 9

Normally, Bull Creek is full of water that flows back to some limestone ledges and a small waterfall. After a summer of no rain, it's temporarily dry. Walking up the creek on dry land is an odd feeling but the limestone bed is beautiful and smooth from the water flow. This is always one of my favorite places to paint in the fall, and I really hope the water is back next year.


  1. This painting has a wonderful sense of serenity to it, Laurel. The fall colors are right on, but soft. I really like the way the limestone and shadows have been rendered. Stunning!

  2. I think I commented on Facebook, but meant to comment here. This is such a restful, lovely scene, but yes, I hope next year there's a flow of water where the bed is now. This does indeed look like a favorite place - I'd paint there!

  3. So colorful and inviting. Beautiful fall setting. Hard to believe it is DRY. Remember painting there with you when it was quite full and flowing abundantly.

  4. Gorgeous colors especially the autumn red tree showing behind the tall green in front. Also love the different values of that gorgeous orangey- amazing! Love the shadows...was thinking those are so beautiful and will hope they are reflections in the creek water next year for you. Wonderful choice for a composition Laurel.

  5. Hi---I hear you met my friends over a friendly game of rugby. Love this painting, Laurel. Come over some time! S
