
Sunday, September 18, 2011

Mist On The Rocks

Mist On The Rocks, L. Daniel, 9 x 12

Back at Point Lobos on day two of the Weekend with the Masters... 
I studied with plein air painter Joe Paquet, who is passionate about painting, art and life. The day was overcast and foggy, and Joe did a great demo showing us how he paints air and atmosphere into his vista paintings. We started with an underpainting of all the shadow elements using cobalt blue, black and lead white (or flake white). Sadly, I didn't think to take photos of that stage so I can't show you what it looked like. My goal here was to create distance between the various receding elements and the underpainting helped me get the values set correctly from the beginning.

Addendum... it turns out that my friend, Leigh Sparks, took pictures at the workshop and happened to catch my painting at the early stage. Here is the underpainting using cobalt blue, white and black. Color was added on top of this. Thank you, Leigh! :)


  1. Wonderful to see the process and you captured the atmosphere beautifully. Love the Mist on the Rocks painting and the gorgeous colors. Sounds like a wonderful day and fun to learn new things:)

  2. Laurel...just wonderful!

  3. Wow--thanks for sharing. Both the finished painting and the underpainting are gorgeous!
