
Thursday, September 8, 2011

Cliffside Breezes

Cliffside Breezes, L. Daniel, 6 x 8, SOLD

Before I left for the Weekend with the Masters in Monterey, I pre-posted of some smaller studies I've been working on over the past weeks. They are a little like postcards to myself as I used them to process a few memories of my trip to the Pacific Northwest. Hiking next to the waters of the Puget Sound, we came across this bending tree, it's growth greatly impacted by the sea winds. It interested me to think about how the tree has adapted for survival there, hunkered in and clinging to the cliff. Nature always finds a way.

See more Small Works


  1. Love it. So solitary. You've captured both the vastness and the "right here in front of me" feeling. Love the survival characteristics the tree exudes just by being itself. Miss the Northwest, too.

  2. Love the simplicity that comes across when I look at this but I know all the skill involved to make it that way. It is a very peaceful painting. Great job.

  3. Yep, I can really see it. Hope you enjoyed your trip.
