
Monday, February 28, 2011

Emerald Sunset Study

Emerald Sunset Study, L. Daniel, 6 x 8, SOLD 

It's hard to believe that March is here! Am I the only one who feels like this year is going WAY too fast??? As you know, I have been working pretty constantly on a body of larger work for my upcoming show at the Davis Gallery here in Austin. This study was preparatory for one of those larger pieces... a favorite scene from the Georgia coast. (I will post the larger works in the coming weeks.)

See more Small Works

PS - Due to problems with USPS, I am now shipping with UPS. Unfortunately, the cost is higher, but the service is far more reliable. 


  1. So gorgeous,

    No you are not the only one at all. I knew February would fly by and it did. But what a great flight.


  2. Laurel,
    This is just beautiful- looks just like Georgia. Wonderful colors, the grasses are really well done. The sunset is stunning!
    Look forward to seeing the larger works.

  3. Beautiful painting, love the colors!

  4. Great looking marsh scene. Love marshes and the way you paint them!

  5. Beautiful Laurel. I love the composition.

  6. What a beautiful painting! I love the colors! I chose it as one of my favorite daily paintings on my blog, I hope you'll come by and check it out! Thanks, Rosa

  7. Great study, Laurel. Looking forward to seeing the larger version. I wonder how you choose which to make larger??

    And yes... the year is already roaring by!!!

  8. Lovely mood. The scene is beautiful and you captured the feel so well.
