
Thursday, November 11, 2010

In For Repair

In For Repair, L. Daniel, 9 x 12

Last weekend I went down to paint on the Texas coast for a few days with good friend and painting buddy Lynn Cohagan. We met up with other members of the Outdoor Painters Society and had a great time. The sun could not have been sunnier... and the wind could not have been windier! We attempted to avoid 20+ mph gusts by hiding behind my car in this boat yard. Though you can't see it my painting (which looks remarkably calm) we were literally holding onto our easels to paint!!! You know what they say, "what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger!" :)


  1. Contrary to the real conditions on the ground, this looks so serene, Laurel! I really like the color and composition.

  2. So soft and inviting. Very pleasing scene. You'd never know it was windy. Looks so quiet! You are a trooper.

  3. Beautiful light, Laurel. Glad you survived the elements--you wouldn't know it was such a challenge from your painting!

  4. I agree with all that has been said! It's a lovely painting and hard to imagine all that wind from this piece.

  5. A very handsome capture in demanding conditions.
    Batten down the hatches and full steam ahead!
