
Monday, November 8, 2010

Glorious Morning 2

Glorious Morning 2, L. Daniel, 6 x 8, SOLD 

As the sun rises just above the horizon, there is a moment or two when the sky turns prismatic in color. Painting it en plein air can be a challenge because it all morphs so quickly. I began by blocking in the shapes on the horizon while it was still dark(er), and then focused completely on the the sky as the colors began to emerge. I committed to a moment in time, which meant I was soon painting from memory and NOT chasing the changes in color and light. (Hard to resist, but necessary!) This is the second of my series of three small sunrise paintings. 

See more Small Works


  1. beautiful work, the whole piece just glows with warmth. I love the glow behind the opaque grey clouds

  2. Love this series. Glorious light. Inspirational painting as is your motivation to paint the sunrise.

  3. Lovely and the title is perfect, it IS glorious.

  4. I love this, so beautiful! the oranges are brilliant, and perfect next to the rest of dark landscape.
