
Thursday, October 28, 2010

Day's End

Day's End, L. Daniel, 9 x 12

Yesterday eve I headed out for and end of day painting on the edge of town. The late afternoon light is always the most beautiful, casting everything in a wonderful warm wash of gold. However, at this time of year, the light on the grasses is just unbearable. As I applied the final strokes it was almost too dark to see, but I was done anyway. It was good.


  1. I'm so glad I was able to check up on your blog. It' was great and interesting to see how beautifully you capture the varying times of the days.

  2. Hi Laurel,

    I love how you create a mood the viewer can walk right into. Such talent. I am always in awe.


  3. The sweep of the purple vegetation up the bank lead the eye in so well. Wonderfully strong, but harmonious colors, too.

  4. Great simple shapes and beautiful colors.
