
Saturday, September 18, 2010

Dock with Umbrella Value Study

Dock with Umbrella, L. Daniel, 8 x 10

My friend Cindy has a great lake house that her grandfather bought many years ago. Several generations have enjoyed the property, each adding new memories. I have been lucky to paint here many times, but painting it in black and white was a new experience. I really loved the brilliance of the sunlit umbrella and it's reflection in the water. (The big, fat #10 brush sure does keep me from getting fussy!)


  1. Always nice to have friends with water property. I bet the #10 brush did keep you from getting fussy. Well done.

  2. These value studies only accentuate the directness with which you paint. You get to the essential(s) with great success. Beautiful.

  3. This is a great little study. Do you turn these into paintings later or paint over these adding color?

  4. Hi Laurel,

    I find the value paintings surprisingly lovely. And you know I am a colour fan. These just have a fascinating mood and spirit.

