
Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Swimming Hole Cypress

Swimming Hole Cypress, L. Daniel, 12 x 12
Getting back into a rythym here in Texas has been slow going... however, yesterday I finally got outside with my paints. WOO HOO! (I was starting to get a little crabby from painting deprivation.) I headed down to McKinney Falls with my painting buddy, Julie Davis, and spent a lovely morning down by the swimmin' hole. This is one of my favorite spots and it's just outside of town. It's getting hot here, so painting by water is a must. And yes, we did get a little swim in as well!!!


  1. Beautiful Laurel. Love the way your trees seem to reach for the sky. Feels good to know you girls are back to painting around town!

  2. Takes me right back there! It's amazing how much time is needed to get everything in order when we get back isn't it? Glad to see you're back and got a swim in too!

  3. This sounds like just about the perfect day, painting and swimming! And not just painting, but painting a beautiful painting! I always feel better when I come home with something I'm happy with so you must be elated.
    Gettin hot here in Houston too . . .

  4. FUN!!!
    Swimming AND painting. Wednesday, all I did was let the waves go over my feet while I was painting.
    Beautiful work as always!!!

  5. Beautiful reflections. A lovely painting to remember a lovely day.

  6. Wow. This is beautiful. It does make us crabby when we can't paint. Thank goodness you do paint. The rest of the world needs your wonderful art.

