
Saturday, June 5, 2010

Bungalow in Pink

Bungalow in Pink, 12 x 12, L. Daniel

I love seeing all the old bungalows that were built in another lifetime on the island. This pink one particularly caught my eye; yes, because it was just so PINK! The owner wasn't home to give us permission, but hopefully, she would be pleased!!!

PS - When you get this we will be on the road, driving back to Texas. Wow, does time fly when you are having fun! It's sad to leave but it will be good to be home!!


  1. Hi Laurel,

    I have loved this whole series and I'll go back when I have time (maybe next week) and comment on each one.
    This is just magnificent.

    Have a safe and happy journey. I love car trips.


  2. You should make a book of all there lovely Georgia Paintings- they are amazing! I feel like Im there.

  3. This has been a good series. Has five weeks past already? You really made me want to go there to paint.

  4. Great series though will be wonderful to have you back home. This one is especially sweet. Teal, white and lime green is one of my favorite color combinations. And this offers that wonderful additional pop of pink. Love it!!

  5. I receive your emails daily, and so many of your paintings take my breath away, Laurel. Absolutely love this one!

  6. I love all your paintings, Laurel, and look forward to them in my inbox. This one is particularly lovely. What is it about pink, the feel-good colour?
