
Monday, March 8, 2010

City Silhouettes

City Silhouettes, 8 x 6, SOLD

Last week Plein Air Austin met at Ladybird Lake to paint off the pedestrian bridge. I was too late to catch the sunrise, but the Austin city skyline was still shimmering in silhouette. It's nice to be up early.

See more Small Works


  1. Awesome painting Laurel!! Ive been there its awesome. I love Austin.

    I did a sketch on my blog somewhere of a creek near UT.


  2. Hi Laurel - this is absolutely gorgeous. It does shimmer.

  3. Hi Laurel,

    Beautiful. You've really caught that far away soft light. It's so atmospheric.


  4. Very nice! I don't think I've ever seen a cityscape from you. Or maybe I've just somehow missed some along the way. Anyway, I personally hate to get up early (read: before noon), but I like what YOU can accomplish.

  5. Very nice. the simplicity of the design and harmony evoke Whistler. Think you are on to something special!

  6. Hi Laurel,

    I love this so much. I see this kind of view all the time and wonder how to handle it. You have done a perfect job as usual. It's just magnificent in its abstraction and simplicity.


  7. Yay! Cityscapes from Laurel! Love it!

  8. The thumbnail of this and its abstraction kept snagging my eye. Then, aha!, I finally made the connection. Whistler's "The Bridge At Battersea". I see Hope Cunningham had the same aha.

    Very nice. You could do a lot worse than being compared to Whistler!
