
Friday, March 12, 2010

After the Cloudburst

After the Cloudburst, 12 x 16
On Wednesday afternoon, we had a short but dramatic thunderstorm - there was even lightning. It just kind of rolled in and rolled out leaving large cloud banks lingering on the horizon. Since I had been teaching all morning my stuff was already in the car, so I got myself down to the lakeside as quick as I could to catch a few of them.
In a health and wellness side note: remember that great husband of mine who brought me the beautiful flowers on Valentine's Day? He is just so giving - this week he brought me the flu! Hopefully my Tamiflu prescription will keep me from getting it too bad, but I am down for the count. So not fun.


  1. What a sweetheart that guy is! Hope you're both better soon. This is beautiful...

  2. Beautiful painting! Get well soon!

  3. What wonderful clouds...I miss the Big Skies of the West!!
    Hope you recover quickly!

  4. i love how you just jumo in the car and go paint!
    I love this one.
    Feel better- isnt it nice when husbands share...

  5. Another beautiful painting. You've really made a day which could be cloudy and gloomy feel light and warm. Get well soon!

  6. Very nice Laurel! I think the flu has covered, TX. Even we have it down here in Alvin.


  7. Gorgeous clouds, and gorgeous painting. Love the colors, and highlights in those clouds. Laurel, hope that you're feeling well soon! The good news, this too shall pass!
    Wishing you the best!

  8. Oh, I hear ya. Having been sick twice in the last few months...feel better soon.
    This painting looks tasty--those look like big scoops of whipped cream.

  9. You do clouds so very well Laurel. And what a trooper... after that storm/hail, I was heading for the hills. Get well sweet friend.

  10. you continue to amaze me!

    get well soon or may your grief be brief!

  11. Poor Laurel,

    The flu is something that's hard to avoid when your mate has it. Beautiful painting. You just constantly wow me. I just sit at my computer thunderstruck. Super clouds, and wonderful colour.

    Get better,

