
Saturday, February 27, 2010

26th World Wide SketchCrawl

Texas State Capital Building, 8 x 8

(Interrupting my Davis Mountains trip postings; back to that tomorrow.)

Today, Plein Air Austin participated in the 26th World Wide SketchCrawl. This is a drawing phenom where artists around the world pick up their sketchbooks and just sketch - and crawl - and sketch again. Then everyone posts their drawings. The global aspect is fun. After drawing all morning, we celebrated with a fabulous lunch outside and passed our sketchbooks around the table. These are my sketches... and you can click HERE to see other drawings from our group. Many thanks to Robin Cheers and Kate Merriman who organized the event! We had a great time.

Down Tenth, 5 x 7

Ninth Street Alley, 7 x 8

State Theatre, 7 x 9

Patio Shadows, 5 x 6


  1. I enjoy all of your posts, but I found this one really special. It made me long for a few local peers who would want to do a sketch crawl! Love it! Love the concept, and love the drawings.

    Sometimes I believe drawing is the purest form of art...

    Thank you for being an ongoing inspiration.

  2. Love the first sketch! Ver nice.

  3. Recording a day doing your own sketch crawl is great way to pass the time if waiting for others. While I was in San Diego several years ago, I took my sketchbook and every hour, starting from the view from my hotel window did a quick sketch. Every hour, stopping where I was and sketching, noting the time. It was a great day! I always carry a sketchbook, great sketches Laurel.

  4. Wonderful series're a fine draughtswoman ;-) ~ HERE HERE to regular drawing as a foundation to our painting.

  5. I love these drawings, Laurel. In fact, one of the things I love about your blog is all the drawings you post. It's easy to get so caught up painting that drawing falls by the wayside. You obviously realize how important it is. This event sounds like great fun!

  6. I love good sketches. Great drawing,

  7. Absolutely love them! Well done!

  8. Love the idea, and LOoooooove your sketches! I love your sense of line! So eloquent. What a great thing - thanks for sharing!

  9. How inspired! Cool idea, amazing sketches Laurel.

  10. These are very awesome sketches. Now do you use these to do a studio painting and/or before a plein air?

    Something to look forward to doing myself :)

