
Thursday, November 19, 2009

Golden Splendor

Golden Splendor, 6 x 8, SOLD
This small island in Ladybird Lake is brilliant right now with it's yellows, reds and oranges. When the sunlight hits them, the illuminated trees seem to glow.
See more Small Works


  1. Wow, this is gorgeous, Laurel. You've created an amazing sense of detail through broad variation of tones within the trees and dark darks, somehow without losing the feeling of spontaneity that's always present in your paintings. Really beautiful.

    And who's been getting to these last couple before the rest of the world even gets a chance to see them, much less buy them!?

  2. Your paintings take my breath away..beautiful

  3. Hi Laurel,

    This is magnificent -- the line of brilliant trees, and the ripples in the water.

    Our fall has hit the brown stage for the most part. Each bit of colour feels like a song.

    Thanks for giving us this one.


  4. Beautiful reflections. Love these fall paintings.

  5. Hi Laurel,
    Well, every time I look at your blog my first thought is, Austin is lovely! I've spent a lot of time in Austin and around Lake Travis and you have caught that feeling perfectly. I especially like your painting of Lake Road. Beautiful work!

  6. Hi Laurel,

    This is excellent. A quick question. Do you use a gel in the oil paints to make them dry faster. I heard if you use oil paint straight from the tube it takes up to 3 months for it to dry.

