
Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Silent Fog - Enlargement

Silent Fog, 18 x 18

So you thought I was done with all that fog? Nope! After doing the small color studies, I returned to my plein air pieces and painted them onto larger canvases. This revisiting process allowed me to solidify in my mind how I got there and to understand it better. I also just really fell in love with the soft subtle gradations in value and couldn't leave them alone. :)

I am a little behind in posting, so this one and the next three are from a couple weeks ago. I have a show coming up on October 24 here in Austin at the Davis Gallery, so I have been busy trying to get all of that together... well, and travelling to the workshop... must slow down...


  1. Hi Laurel,

    I get your fog fascination, so did Monet. This is just spectacular. I love your range. You can paint any kind of light in any colour and make it sing.


  2. you are mastering this fog brilliantly. good luck with your up-comong show. r.

  3. The fog painting is beautiful! Wishing you luck as you get ready for your show.

  4. And teaching....don't forget that little bit.... THis is another lovely one, Laurel--I like the way the filtered light still manages to find its way between the trees.

  5. Laurel, I love your paintings...mood, simplicity, strong design. How great to discover them and you!

  6. The atmospheric perspective in this piece is really successful.
