
Sunday, September 20, 2009

Rocks & Ridges

Distant Ridges, 6 x 8

Rocky Outcropping (workshop study), 8 x 6

I painted these two studies in a daylong workshop with Skip Whitcomb at Weekend with the Masters in CO. He did a fabulous demo for us in which he also shared bits of his outlook and philosophy. One of the participants got it right when she dubbed him a "cowboy poet".
Skip's focus was to get us to really "see" and celebrate the large abstract patterns in nature. He encouraged us to step back and observe the dramatic shapes created by light and shadow crossing the forms in the land. His sketchbook is full of expressive thumbnail drawings that simplify everything into shapes and values. The above studies were my response to his challenge. (I confess, there was a third one that didn't make the cut!) :)


  1. lovely handling of the shadows and clouds in these studies Laurel: it is wonderful learning to see things from someone else's perspective. r.

  2. Your simple shapes and values create a dynamic power in these studies. I've always wanted to study with Skip. He sounds like an excellent teacher. I can't wait to see more of your paintings!!!

  3. Laurel, both of these are awesome, but I really thing Distant Ridges is incredible. The clouds, distance and minimal color. Just great.

  4. Another two winners Laurel. I
    especially like Distant ridges.
    Lovely painting. All the best.

  5. Distant ridges is great. It could easily be blown-up to a large print without adding any more detail.

  6. Hi Laurel,

    These are great. Simplifying seems to be one of the biggest challenges, but you do it with a magical warmth.

    Take care,


  7. I love these mountain studies, Laurel. The atmospherics in your work are always extraordinary.
