
Friday, August 21, 2009

Vine of Bougainvillea

Vine of Bougainvillea, 8 x 6
I am still in New York, but headed home on Sunday. It's been a great time and I'm excited to share the work I have been doing. Photographing, formatting and posting from the road is just too hard. Meanwhile, here is another painting I emailed to myself for a "remote" post. In this small study, I was focused on the vibrant colors which are so unique to the bougainvillea plant (and which are a real challenge to mix!)

See more Small Works


  1. Hi Laurel,

    I'll have to find out how you do the email posting. This is beautiful. When people talk about painters having their own "mark" I often think of you. You do. Your work is all yours, and I love it.


  2. almost abstract, beautiful colours with your own unique style. r.

  3. I CANNOT believe that you are in New York and I am in California!

    I am enjoying the bougainvillea here too. We don't have it in least not upstate. I have taken some pictures of it for Pink Saturday!

    Love you!

  4. This is a beautiful study.
    Color temperature and value changes MAKE this painting.
    I'm just blown away looking at these paintings!
    ::::rushing to the easel:::::::::::

  5. Beautiful Bougainvillea, Laurel. Can't wait to see your Long Island seascapes.

  6. You got a good sense of colors..Its mazing to see all your works
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