
Thursday, July 9, 2009

Barton Springs Shadows

Barton Springs Shadows, 9 x 12
Barton Springs Pool is fed by an under ground spring and the water stays around 68 degrees all year round. It's a delicious way to cool down, especially in this incredible heat wave we are having. Last week, our plein air group met there to paint - and to swim when it got too hot. We are doing that sort of thing a lot these days - it's the only way to be outside and survive the heat!
A side note: this tree almost got cut down this spring for safety reasons. Thank goodness for the friends of the pool who rallied together and saved it! Can you imagine how many picnics have taken place under that tree?


  1. I love this, Laurel. So loose, yet with perfect values, proportion and depth. The gray in the background trees balances the warmth of the sky perfectly. You should teach.

  2. I love your landscapes! Really excellent

  3. Hi Laurel,

    This is pure summer. I admire you
    swimming in 68 degree water -- that's pretty cold. But I guess with the high heat it must get warmer.
    Super painting as always.


  4. Awesome painting. Like how the hydro lines are just suggested.

  5. Great tree. So glad it was saved from the chain saw. People always seem to want to find excuses to cut down pains me.
    It got really hot here too, finally.

  6. Love the colour in this piece Laurel.


  7. In the Boston area 68 degree water is considered warm ;) Not that I agree with that. I'm more of a Caribbean/Gulf of Mexico type of gal... but I digress..
    The colors in this painting are unusual but completely harmonious. You've portrayed that type of light perfectly.

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