
Sunday, June 28, 2009

Before the Rain

Before the Rain, 12 x 12

My second day in Georgia started out overcast and threatening rain. The foggy marine layer kept things cooler and enabled me to paint this moody view of the marsh. If the sun had been out it would have driven me under cover and out of range. When the rain finally did come, it was just a sprinkle. Later that night, we got the downpour.


  1. Wow Laurel,

    This is just amazing. Breathtaking.

    You are the best.


  2. Bravo! Love it, love paintng the marsh in any kind of weather.

  3. Love it!!! The colors and composition are fabulous.
    Sounds like a fabulous trip.

  4. Laurel, these last few Georgia paintings are really amazing. I think what's most eye-opening to me is that they really feel like GA, as opposed to your usual stomping grounds-- which makes me think about the subtleties of how to capture a sense of place instead of just painting different objects that happen to be in a different place. And how well you've done that.

  5. Laurel, I'm am just crazy about your low country landscapes! Just gorgeous! This brings back wonderful memories of a trip that we took to Jekyll Island a few years ago. Beautiful views and beauiful paintings!!

  6. As the image loaded on my phone screen this morning, I knew I was going to fall in love with this one because of the sky alone. The colors you pulled out are gorgeous, and having recently painted marsh as well, I can appreciate how you rendered this--it's really wonderful.

  7. It almost smells like rain — and relief from an already hot summer. This one is especially evocative to me. Beautiful.
