
Monday, April 27, 2009

Quiet Rest

Quiet Rest, 12 x 12

Down a country road in the little town of Hye, Texas, I found these cows resting in the shade. Of course, as soon as I started painting they got up and ambled off into the pasture! Not the best model behavior - luckily I had some sketches to fall back on!


  1. Laurel, I want to be where you are .. or is it just your powers of observation? Just stunning. r

  2. Texas is beautiful, but I think it's her powers of observation! I love this, Laurel--it's amazing to me how much can be conveyed by just a few strokes. the cows are a perfect example of that.

  3. I agree with the to previous comments!!!

  4. Wow Laurel,

    You are so good. This is just beautiful, and I love the subtle abstract surety of the cows. They
    are perfectly painted. A sheer delight on every level.


  5. Reminds me of the middle of a golden summer! Love the colors.

  6. The confidence and spontaneous use of color and minimal brush strokes just amaze me. Makes me want to give it a try.

    I noticed this was 12 x 12. I have to judge a 12 x 12 show for the MId Michigan Art Guild this weekend.
    In the future, I might suggest that they visit your blog.
    I'm sure they would be excited and amazed.
