
Thursday, February 26, 2009

Warm Winter Day

Bare Trees, 12 x 12

I am not going to lie, bare trees completely intimidate me. I love seeing the "bones" of the landscape sticking out with all its soft purples and greys, but I can not figure out how to represent them with paint. Today, I couldn't avoid them... a leafed out tree was not to be found at our paintout location. I think I need to keep practicing... it makes me really appreciate those snow country painters!

Tree Sketch, 6 x 8
I thought a warm-up might help before starting. Did I mention there were no leaves, anywhere?


  1. Oooh, these are awesome. What a great palette in that larger one here, all those warm brown-y tones...

  2. Hi Laurel, I know what you mean about all those leafless trees. But you captured it perfectly just the way you painted it!

  3. Hi Laurel,
    If only my intimidated efforts could look so effortlessly skilled. Beautiful as always. But kind of you to let us know that you worry too.
    The only thing is you don't have to. You always turn out a gorgeous painting.


  4. You did a wonderful job creating the leafless tree images! Just beautiful! If you didn't confess to intimidation, I would never have guessed. It is reassuring to know that we all feel that way at times. Really great painting, as always.
