
Monday, February 16, 2009

For Lady Bird

Field of Maize, 20 x 20
I posted a small study of this image last week. Several of you encourgaged me to stick with the centered composition, so I took your advice for the resulting larger one (although I did move the horizon line up a little). I guess it doesn't hurt to break the rules occasionally! This painting is headed to an annual Art Auction here in Austin which benefits the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center. Lady Bird created such beauty while she was here, it's a joy to contribute in a small way to her ongoing legacy.


  1. Beautiful. Now there's a yellow you just want to lie down in.

  2. Hi Laurel,

    I swear every time I open your blog my
    heart skips a beat! Whew! What an absolutely breathtakingly gorgeous painting.


  3. Wow! Laurel, so beautiful, and so simple and clean! I remember the little one from last week. I loved it, but this one is even better!

  4. Laurel, this is beautiful. It's so simple yet so vibrant. Can't wait to see it in the show!

  5. Hi Laurel
    This is an absolutely stunning painting. The composition works really well. You have also maintained the spontaneity of the smaller one.

  6. Oh my. This painting stopped me in my tracks. Beautiful!
    I have a special edition of Lady Bird Johnson's "Wildflowers Across America" signed by the great Lady.

  7. Many thanks to all of you for your words of encouragement. It's so very inspiring, I can't tell you.

  8. Gorgeous! Breathtaking color. Love the 1/3, 2/3 composition.
