
Thursday, January 29, 2009

From small to large

Standing Guard, 30 x 30

This is the large version of yesterday's study. This line of trees juts out into the lake and appears to be standing guard at the foot of the mountains. I loved how beams of light were able to sneak through here and there...
Monarch Lake, near Granby, CO


  1. Hi Laurel,

    That reminds me of the line in Canada's national anthem "we stand on
    guard for thee." An absolute masterpiece. It was fascinating to see how the study became this painting.

    I just love your work!


  2. I really like seeing the two paintings one after the other. A great way to see how you handle the color and brushstrokes in small and larger pieces.

  3. Thanks for sharing, I will bookmark and be back again
    oil paintings
