
Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Tag, You're It!

Tag is a game we played as kids, and usually involved chasing and poking. Well, you know what they say, "the more things change, the more they stay the same"? Enter blogtag.

Last week, my blog friend Barbara Muir from Toronto tagged me. In this version of tag, it's a huge honor to be "tagged" because it comes with a sort of "blessing" from the sender. It's affirmation, it's good wishes, it's blog-love. SO, thank-you dear Barbara M.!

Here are the rules if you are "IT":
1. Put a link in your posting to the person who tagged you.
2. List 7 unusual things about yourself.
3. Tag 7 other bloggers at the end of your post and comment on their blogs to let them know.

The Person Who Tagged Me: Again, Barbara Muir - please pay her a visit and let her know you were there with a nice comment.

7 Things About Me:
1 - I have lived North, South, East and West. In chronological order: N - Racine, WI during childhood, E - Lexington, MA after college (for only 1 yr.), W - Redwood City, CA for 19 years as young adult and raising kids, S - Austin, TX for the last 9 1/2 years and I love Austin!
2 - I met my husband when I was 12 and am still crazy about him.
3 - My two incredible children are grown up now... a huge bit of my heart will always be with them. My son, Rawson, lives in San Diego and my daughter, Emily, lives in Atlanta.
4 - My career life has always been in some area of art: studied fine art in college; taught art in private upper school; did graphic design for almost 20 years; now - full circle - back to painting.
5 - I teach painting at the Austin Museum of Art one day week during the fall and spring semesters.
6 - On the Meyers-Briggs temperment scale, I am an ENFP.
7 - Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday... a time to celebrate our many blessings and the important people in our lives; and to give thanks to our Creator for every good and perfect gift. Happy Thanksgiving all.

7 Bloggers I will tag:
William Wray - see his paintings of blight, places "worth remembering" - love them all.
Tom Brown - see a great demo and other fine paintings.
Mike Clark - see his brand new blog and watch for good things to come.
Rene - see plein air paintings from Holland, the Netherlands.
Ali Cavanaugh - see sensitive portrayals of body and soul.
Joan Breckwoldt - see her incredible Santa Claus painting.
And another kind of painting:
Erin Kleider - see my creative, talented sister and maker of beautiful dolls.



  1. I love your paintings and it was great to learn more about you. Happy Thanks Giving to you!

  2. Ohhhhh Laurel, thank you for tagging me. I was checking your blog and what a pleasant surprise to see that you tagged me.
    xoxo and blog-love back to you!

  3. Hi Laurel,

    What a great blog. So you're
    an extrovert. Right? That's so nice.

    I agree with you about Thanksgiving. In Canada it's about celebrating the harvest. I like it because it's not attached to
    any specific religion, and everyone
    can be thankful for what they have.
    Plus the meal is so amazing.

    Thanks for your kind comments about me.

    xoxox Barbara
