
Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Make it a good one...

Golden Grasses, Golden Sky, 12 x 12
Final post from my mountain trip... While I was painting this, a kind gentleman pulled off the road to come see what I was doing. He is a physician in Livingston, had a father who painted, and was thrilled that I was out there painting his town. As he drove off he told me, "make it a good one, this is where the new hospital is going."
Don't it always seem to go, that you don't know what you got till it's gone?
They paved paradise and put up a parking lot...
- joni mitchell


  1. Your landscapes are inspiring. Very nice work! Great story too.

  2. Wow. I love the trees. Great shapes and succinct building of form. :)

  3. Great Joni Mitchell quote there.
    You did make it a good one. It's beautiful.

  4. Hi Laurel,

    This is getting to be a theme on
    several blogs. What a gorgeous
    painting, and heartbreaking story.

    My husband and I sing, "they paved
    paradise and put up a French chateau."
    In Toronto for the past few years faux chateau has been the look for new houses. Many lovely red brick houses have fallen victim to nouveau faux. Real French chateaux have little in common with the fake

    Love your blog.


  5. Thank you all for your encouragement... it's sad to think that if I go back there in a year it will all be different. And I am so glad I followed my instinct and pulled over that day!

  6. Wonderful tangerine skies and golden fields.. It looks warm and restful...
    Actually you have a gorgeous body of work!
