
Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Summer Flight

Summer Flight, 8x10, oil on panel, L. Daniel © 2021

Oh, the glad freedom of summer! Don't we all look forward to those lazy days? (It's not just the kids.) Here in Texas, school started back up this week and it feels like summer is over.... even though it will be hot for months. There is always something about that first day of school that signals an end, AND a new beginning. I like the new beginning idea better... may it be a good one!!

Join me at a workshop in GA! Click for info:


  1. Love the painting. I remember when my 4 boys were in school towards the end of the school year I looked forward to the summer because it meant less scheduling etc. Towards the end of the summer I couldn't wait for them to go back to school lol.

  2. Love your work Laurel,

    I have been away from blogging, and also had a two week holiday -- masked -- all take out food, but we broke out of Toronto and travelled 1,000 miles across eastern Canada. You are amazing.
    Happy fall.


  3. Thank you, Penny!! I remember that too! :)

    And thank you, Barbara! Soooo glad you made it back to your little school house this summer! Much MUCH needed I know! We need these touch points of life! XOXOXO

  4. Unknown is me, Laurel! Not sure what happened?
