
Sunday, May 10, 2020

Winding Path - Zoom Class Demo 1!

Winding Path, 8x10, oil on panel, L. Daniel

This weekend I taught my first painting workshop on ZOOM! It was originally scheduled as a plein air class, but like everything else this spring, it had to be modified. When our director approached me with the idea to teach it online, I was hesitant. I wasn't sure my students would willingly migrate over to the new format, I wasn't sure an online experience would be satisfying, and I was pretty sure the technology would be a huge challenge. 

BUT... it all worked out! I had four devices connected; giving me the ability to interact, show my palette and photo reference, and what display was happening on my easel. I set the sessions up as paint-along demos, and this is my piece from the first session. My students were fearless, energetically followed along, and each painted one their own (safely and socially distanced in their own homes). 

Modern technology! Wow! I'm not saying it was completely glitch-free, BUT... my students were incredibly gracious and we all had fun (which is always a major goal)!! Thank you, ALL!!!


  1. First, I love the painting. Second, how fun to be able to teach through Zoom!

  2. Thank you, Penny! I agree, it is really fun to be able to keep classes going doing this time. Where there's a will... :)
